Gender and racial discrimination, exploitation and so forth are only effects. The real problem is that it is possible to suppress the people with false Science or false descriptions of the world; that supports Might Is Right. Or like this. We are not genuine citizens.

23 October 2015

Read: The Un-Taming of the Image, June 2015, by Josephine Witt

The Un-Taming of the Image, Radical Cinema, June 2015, Josephine Witt.

This short text says a lot about the established surface we are supposed to accept.

Witt writes for example:
But the popular opinion of «only one world as one‚ shared‘ space», does already suggest a severe problem that lies here: uniformization.
We for sure live in the Spiral of silence. A total silence that we must call democracy and freedom.

It was Josephine Witt that made a confetti action at ECB earlier this year.

Protester disrupts European Central Bank press conference - as it happened, Graeme Wearden, The Guardian, 15 April 2015.

Josephine's twitter: @josephine_witt


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